We are always happy to share your project success, but ... Sometimes success linked to one difficult thing … Sponsoring your project... We help you make the right decision at the right moment ... Hello and welcome to our Sponsorships Request From webpage, and thank you for your confidence in choosing W Design as your potential partner.
We are targeting Sponsorship activities that contribute to providing a positive way to link between the Sponsor's brands with the project and its audience. We gather people and cultures together. We are looking for a Sponsorship activities characterized by the following:
Connect people from different backgrounds through new experiences, based on the shared concerns & feelings.
Provide a shared social communication platform with the audience.
Distinguish the Sponsor's brands from competitors.
The ability to provide times that stimulate fun and celebration.
Provide more business opportunities between individuals and companies.
As a truly skilled agency, we attract a huge amount of sponsorship requests. In order to meet our sponsorship objectives, it is our policy not to sponsor the following:
Individuals (special events related to one individual).
Activities and events that include the participation of any other event management agency.
Any events scheduled to be held within three months or less from the date of applying your request.
Events that does not have a well thought out financial plan to implement the project.
Events that rely completely on sponsorships to finance and implement the project.
If you believe that your sponsorship proposal is right for us, please kindly fill out this short Sponsorship Request Form. All requests will be processed within two to four weeks and we will be in touch via email about your request.
Project or Event Name *
Produced or Approved by Legal Entity (yes or no, please mention the name of the Legal Entity). *
Address *
City *
State/Prov./Region *
Country *
Zip/Postal Code *
Telephone *
Mobile *
Website *
Sponsorship Amount (S.A.R) *
Sponsorship Period *
Age of Project/Event (years) *
Total Attendance (on Location) *
Scope of Project (Entertainment, cultural, etc.) *
Gender * MenWoman
Age Group * 1-9 years10-15 years16-21 years22-35 years36-45 years46-60 yearsGreater than 60 years
Category social and economic * Rich ClassMiddle ClassLower ClassLower Middel ClassThe Working Class Of The Other CategoriesPoor ClassOther
CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT / EXPERIENCE * We offer our sponsors the opportunity to directly engage and add value to the experience of our audienceIf not, we offer those as paying options in our proposalNot applicable here
SALES IMPACT * The sponsorship package includes the option to generate sales without any additional cost (from services or products for example)The sponsorship package will allow the sponsor to generate sales (from services or products for example) for an additional fee or share of revenueNot applicable here
EXCLUSIVITY * We are offering the Sponsor category exclusivity.We cannot guarantee Sponsorship category exclusivity for any.Not Applicable here
LICENSING * The Sponsor will have the rights to produce merchandise with our event name and logo at no additional feeThe Sponsor will have the rights to use our event name and trademarks for marketing purposes at no additional feeThe Sponsor will have the rights to photography and pictures of our event at no additional feeThe Sponsor will have the rights to film the event at no additional feeThe Sponsor will have the rights to television footage of our event at no additional fee
GRASS-ROOT / COMMUNITY INITIATIVES * As part of our sponsorship, we wish to participate in community or grass roots initiatives that are coordinated and funded by the organizerAs part of our event, we wish to participate in community or grass roots initiatives that are coordinated and funded by usNot applicable here
SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) * Our event has an existing social media platform that the Sponsor can access at no additional fee.Our event will create a social media platform with the Sponsor.Not applicable here
How many social media fans and followers (combined) do you have? * more than 1,000,000500,000 - 4,00,000400,000 - 300,000300,000 - 200,000200,000 - 100,000less than 99,000Not applicable here.
MEDIA COVERAGE * We are looking for Project with coverage across TV, Print, Radio, Internet and Social Media GLOBALLYWe are looking for Project with coverage across TV, Print, Radio, Internet and Social Media REGIONALLYWe are looking for Project with coverage across TV, Print, Radio, Internet and Social Media NATIONALLYWe are looking for Project with coverage across TV, Print, Radio, Internet and Social Media LOCALLYNot applicable here
MEDIA VALUE * We are looking for event with a projected AVE of the sponsorship will be 500% plus of the rights feeWe are looking for event with a projected AVE of the sponsorship will be between 300% and 500% of the rights feeWe are looking for event with a projected AVE of the sponsorship will be between 100% and 300% of the rights feeWe are looking for event with a projected AVE of the sponsorship will be less than 100% of the rights feeNot applicable here
ADVERTISING Campaign: (Please provide evidence of values in attachment section below) * Television and Radio advertisementsNewspaper advertising and MagazinesOutdoor Advertising (Signs or screens)Publications and Printings.Not applicable here
SHARE OF VOICE / VISIBILITY * We wish to have 75%+ of on-site sponsor signageWe wish to have 50%+ of on-site sponsor signageWe wish to have 25%+ of on-site sponsor signageWe wish to have 10%+ of on-site sponsor signageNot applicable here
MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT * We have a detailed marketing/PR plan and budget set aside for this eventWe do not have a detailed marketing/PR plan but have resources to help our sponsor in its activitiesWe do not have a detailed marketing/PR plan, budget or resources for this event
ACCESS TO CELEBRITIES * Access to celebrities are included in our sponsorship proposal.We do not have the rights to celebrities but are ready to assist the sponsor to access themNot applicable here
CORPORATE HOSPITALITY * Client hospitality programs or VIP privileges are included in our sponsorship proposalIf not, we offer those as paying options in our proposalNot applicable here
NVIRONMENTAL CONCERN AND SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAMME * The project has a declared environmental concern or sustainability programNot applicable here
SPONSORSHIP TERMS * We suggest a 3-year agreement or moreWe suggest a 2-year agreementWe suggest a 1-year agreementNot applicable here
FLEXIBILITY * We wish to develop a custom sponsorship program to meet our specific needsWe wish to modify the existing sponsorship program to meet our specific needsWe do not wish to modify our sponsorship program.
PLANNING-LEAD TIME * Our event will be held in less than 3 monthsOur event will begin in more than 3 monthsNot applicable here
Contact Form:
Title *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Job Title *
Organization *
Street *
State/Postal/Region *
Email *
Phone *
Alternate Phone *
Fax *
Your Comments:
Use the area below to type or paste comments. Thank you for taking the time to improve our business relations. We will reply shortly.
Attachments: *
Please use the form below to attach your files. You can upload up to 5 files for a total of 10MB. These files can be either images (JPEG, GIF or PNG), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, plain text, video or audio files.