Company Name *
Date of incorporation *
address *
Number of branches of the company *
Brands owned by the company names *
Brands represented by the company names (agent) *
Name of the manager *
Briefed by: name and job title/responsibility *
Mobile *
the required Project Subject *
Day Date *
Email *
Website *
Responsible by us Name *
Company Description *
Company Activity *
Objectives of the company *
Competitors *
Products and services offered *
Target audience: who are we talking to *
What distinguish you from your competition in the market *
Marketing agent / Agency Name *
Name and date of another exhibition or advertising campaign for the company *
Brief for project in general *
Project Type * Creative DesignMedia ProductionEvent ManagementMarketing Communications
It is the implementation of such a project before *
What is the purpose of the requested *
Suggestions and general comments *
Follow-up your business * PresentationPrintingEmail
Design / logo / campaign similar to like her from the Internet or from the market *
Is there a proposed ideas of the client *
Date *
Brief given byBrief given by *
Brief agreed by *